If the first player makes a very weak opening move, the second player won't swap and again will start with an advantage. If the first player makes a very strong opening move, the second player will swap sides and start with an advantage. The swap rule equalizes this advantage by forcing the first player to make a move that leads to a roughly equal game. Without the swap rule, the first player has a strong advantage. Swap rule: After the initial play only, the second player has the option of either responding with his turn or swapping sides taking the initial play as his first turn. The first player's goal is to form an unbroken chain of hexes of his color that connects the top to the bottom while the second player tries to form an unbroken chain connecting the left and right sides. Hex is a two player board game played on an n × n grid of hexagons.Ī turn in Hex consists of placing a piece of your color on a hexagon. 3.1 A position is only as good as the weakest link.